Aguascalientes Airport
Car Rental Guide
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The minimum age for car rental depends on the local car rental supplier. Different suppliers may request a different minimum age in order to rent the car. We always recommend seeing the full terms and conditions for the selected car and car rental supplier in order to check that information. In some cases, the rental agency may apply for an extra charge for a young driver. The amount of young driver fee may be different for each supplier. Before you decide to rent the car and you are a young driver, please make sure that you are able to rent your car with selected company. Otherwise, the local company will refuse to provide the car.
Can I add an additional driver to my booking?
Yes, the additional driver can be added to your reservation on arrival to the local office. Some of the local suppliers charge an additional cost. Please, be advised that the cost of the service depends on the local car rental supplier and can be different for each agency. In order to see the prices for the additional driver, please check the terms and conditions for this particular quote. All additional drivers must reach age restrictions and provide a valid drivers license on arrival to the local office. Also, the additional driver is obligated to present an international driver´s license if it is required. All drivers must be presented at the local office at the moment of picking up the car.
What does MEET & GREAT mean?
MEET & GREAT is a service offered by the car rental company in case they do not have an office at the airport. In this case, the car rental agency does not provide the exact address of the office. MEET & GREAT means that one of the local car rental representatives will wait for you in the arrival hall holding a poster with your name. As soon as you meet the agent at the airport, he will lead you to the car or to the local office. If you do not find them or you do have any delay, please call the number from your confirmation voucher.
Can I rent a car in one location and drop it in another in Aguascalientes?
Yes, ONE WAY RENTALS are possible. It means you pick up your rented car in one location and drop it off in a different one. In order to see the possibility, please check our website and enter a different location for the drop-off. In some cases, you can also choose a different country to drop off the car. The local supplier needs to bring the car back to the original destination. Therefore, they will charge you an extra fee on arrival. Some rental car agencies do have the ONE WAY fee included in the rental price. Others will charge is as an extra on arrival. We always recommend checking terms and conditions for the selected agency to see if it is included or not.
Why do you need my flight number?
When you make your reservation, we will always ask to provide the flight number. It is important for the local rental car supplier, so they can know when you will arrive. If they see that your flight is delayed they will normally keep the car until your arrival. It is also very important to leave the flight number on the reservation if you have an option MEET AND GREAT. What's that mean it means that rental car representative will wait for you in the arrival hall holding a poster with your name in order to lead you to the car. Your flight number most likely contains two letters and 4 numbers. If you are not coming in by flight, you can enter 0000 to be able to make the reservation online.
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